
Renewable Energy

Harnessing Sustainable Power for the Future

At the heart of renewable energy, technologies like wind power are reshaping how we generate and use energy. Our electromechanical components are designed to optimize the performance and reliability of these systems, supporting a cleaner, greener future.

Slip Rings

Our slip rings provide safe and efficient transmission of power and measurement signals in the adjustable rotor blades and rotating masts of small-scale wind turbines. This ensures their continuous operation, even in dynamic conditions.

Hydraulic Rotary Units

We offer hydraulic rotary units that supply hydraulic oil to the drives controlling wind turbine rotor blades. These components ensure precise and reliable operation, enabling turbines to adjust to wind conditions seamlessly.


Our encoders provide accurate position detection and control of wind turbine rotor blades. This precision ensures that blades are aligned optimally, maximizing energy generation efficiency and improving system longevity.

Brushless DC Motors

Our brushless DC motors are engineered for precision in rotor blade position adjustment and control. These motors deliver smooth, durable performance in the demanding environments of wind turbines.

Servo Amplifiers

Our servo amplifiers control brushless DC motors with high precision, ensuring efficient and responsive operation of wind turbine systems. They guarantee that every movement contributes to maximum energy efficiency.

Renewable Energies: For a Sustainable Future

Renewable energy sources, like wind power, are not just a vision for the future—they are already an essential part of sustainable energy solutions. The efficiency of these systems relies on advanced technologies. 

With our precision electromechanical products, we support the continued developmen